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The Price is Right

As Heather mentioned in her opening piece her ‘business happy place’ is when the live event finally takes place, but there is so much to do before getting to that point and of course the very first is deciding on a venue and negotiating the

February 2021 | dots and t’s

Introducing the second issue of the Compleat Conference magazine! In this issue we cover: - Question of the month: I want to run an outstanding event. Where do I start? - 8 point blueprint to knowing and understanding your customers - February Flashback:  A year

Is your bathtub starting to fill?

A recent email from our brilliant and very supportive web provider said ‘And really glad your taps are being turned on again’! This was in response to me telling him of the great successes achieved by the Compleat Team in the first three weeks of

January 2021 | dots and t’s

Introducing the first issue of the Compleat Conference magazine! In this issue we cover: - Membership Retention and Growth Strategies - Are you doing everything you can? - Question of the month: What do I need to consider if I am organising a hybrid event?

Yes you can

Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.  Henry Ford  We are all facing new decisions and situations at the moment and a couple of recent personal reactions reminded me how important attitude is in everything we face. Henry Ford's quote above is so true. The outcome if often decided before we start. Since

Perceived Value – Added Value – A true gift

Those of you who have read earlier pieces I have written will know that they often relate to travels, things which have happened and then got me thinking. I was lucky enough to visit Botswana a few years ago and in a very different way

Happy Birthday

Happy 16th Birthday Compleat   16 years ago today I took a leap of faith and started Compleat Conference.  I had never planned to run my own business and when I trace back the way this came about it is very relevant in our current

The Compleat Guide to Successful Association Management

The Compleat Guide to Successful Association Management    10 Top Tips to increased success  1. Survey your members, understand their behaviours, likes and dislikes and address their concerns early.  Use software to analyse the data.  When you email them, what gets opened most, what gets forwarded to others and is there

The Starfish Story

This is a story I read many years’ ago but it has stayed with me ever since and feels very relevant today: There are two men walking along a beach at dawn and there are hundreds and thousands of starfish washed up on the shore. Every

When is Freshly Squeezed not Freshly Squeezed?

During lockdown I have been thinking back on holidays taken and remembered a situation when ordering breakfast at the airport. It was very early in the morning and the breakfast menu offered Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice and provided an image that was very enticing.  It